"You are the light for the world"
- Matthew 5:14

Dar Para Recibir (Pay Forward a Kindness)
The Dar Para Recibir program was recently established in Velille, Peru by the Grupo de Veinte Foundation. This is a sister program to Pay it Forward that was established by the Dr. Estelle L. Kassebaum Memorial Scholarship Program at Mater Dei Catholic High School in Chula Vista, CA.

Day Care Center
In Amaguana, Ecuador, Grupo visited Hermanitas that were struggling with operating a Day Care Center for children aged four years and younger. The number enrolled was 34.Grupo hired one additional teacher which allowed the enrollment to exceed 72.

Advanced Studies Academy
In early 2015, Grupo de Veinte opened its first Advanced Studies Academy (Grupo de Estudios Avanzados) in Velille, Peru. We need to purchase all of the textbooks for the various classes being offered in the Academy for the first class of 25 students ranging in age from 7 to 12 years.

Solar Home Light Systems
Currently the main source of light for families living in the high Andes comes from candles or kerosene. Health problems that are associated with using candles or kerosene are many because these sources produce dangerous smoke.

Educational Materials
Each year Grupo de Veinte provides educational materials for many small schools in the pueblos of southern Peru including a preschool on the outskirts of Cusco. Last year Grupo was asked to build a bathroom for a group of “special needs” children who had been evicted from their school due to overcrowding.